The messaging application has arrived with this latest update to its version 4.8.3, and above all they have focused on including minor improvements at the level of correction of the user interface and compatibility, but they also have small functionalities that have been added in recent weeks and that we will remind you of. We were recently talking about WhatsApp, because today it's up to Telegram, the messaging application with Russian origin has been updated and is now fully compatible with iOS 12 as well as adding new features. Discover with us the news of the latest version of Telegram. security available and we lack any kind of security breach. The search bar remains the same and adapts to the search terms and the context.We continue with the round of updates on duty, we remember that it is important to keep our applications for daily use updated to the latest version, not only to gain functionalities that are added over the days, but to make sure that we have the latest measures. In the search bar, you can search for contacts (in your contact list or globally), bots, and even important messages.

Tap on the ‘chat’ button on the main window. Open the Telegram app on your device (iOS, Android, and PC supported). In this tutorial, we will tell you the different ways in which you can use the search option on Telegram. Unlike the search option available on other messengers, the search feature on Telegram is a lot more in-depth and allows you to do much more than just search for contacts. One of the internal features of Telegram is the app-wide search. The feature set available in Telegram and the integration of bots make the Telegram messenger very easy to use and also provides added functionality. It was designed with safety in mind and as such, is considered one of the most secure messengers in the market today.

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app available for iOS, Android, and PC.